- Plan a menu around the items you have in your freezer and pantry
- Check weekly specials and coupons in newspapers & online.
- Utilize discount grocery stores with lower prices
- Buy in bulk if possible
- Make a grocery list, grouped by type of product in the store (produce, deli, meat, dairy, frozen, canned).
- avoid packaged and processed foods to make meals healthier
- Purchase fresh fruits and vegetables when possible.
- Homemade meals costs less than eating out
- Ask your relatives for family recipes
- Try new recipes in cookbooks and online
- Use the slow-cooker to have a meal ready when you get home from work
- Involve your children in meal planning and preparation
- Try making freezer meals during the weekend
It’s important for families to spend time around the table
and catch up with everyone’s day.
All devices should be put away and television turned off.
Always ask, “What was the best part of your day?”