Monday, December 14, 2015

Newborn Care

  • Visiting and going out - Keep baby inside and away from strangers for the first 2- 3 weeks. Your baby’s immune system can’t fight germs yet.
  • Everyone wash hands before handling your baby. Especially before and after changing diaper.
  • Hold your baby often- don’t worry about spoiling your newborn.
  • Nails – Do this while your baby is sleeping or when someone else can help hold the baby. Use special scissors and emery boards for babies.
  • Bowel movements- the first BMs are called “meconium” which are thick and greenish. Breastfed babies have a yellowish color and formula fed babies have a tan BM. Color will change as diet changes.
  • Temperature could mean your baby is fighting and infection. Check with your doctor about their “fever policy”.
  • Care for umbilical cord until it falls off. Using a cotton swab with warm water and soap, wipe around the sides and the skin around the stump. Gently pat dry.

Here are some excellent resources about Newborn care.