Some new moms aren't aware of all the support systems that will help them during and after pregnancy. WIC is a big help during pregnancy. WIC provides supplemental food that help with good health during pregnancy. They also offer breastfeeding classes and nutrition education during your pregnancy. After the baby is born they offer to do their shots and you get coupons for formula if you choose to bottle feed. Pregnancy Solutions also helps with education during pregnancy with classes such as; Lamaze, breastfeeding, and other birthing classes that will help you with your labor and child. If you decide to take these classes you will receive credits that you can spend in their "Baby Boutique" on diapers outfits etc. During my pregnancy I went to WIC to start the food coupons right away so later on i could get the formula for my baby.
During pregnancy you should have a good group of people that support you and your decisions. Family should support you more than anyone even if they don't agree with your decisions or choices with the life of your child. You can get support from your teachers at school also. My school offers the GRADS class for pregnant teens and this class is a good support system for me other than family.
There are many different ways you can find good support agencies to help you during your pregnancy and after. Technology is a good way to find the support agencies that are best fit for you. They now have apps for your cell phone that can help with finding good agencies and helping with your labor.